mixed tape masterpieces: london II

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

my emusic rant

eryn sent me a little emusic "sign up and get 25 songs free" email and i'm all about guilt-free downloads so i signed up. with my 25 free songs, i "purchased" two albums: stars - set yourself on fire and architecture in helsinki - in case we die. i'm happy with my choices, in fact, i'm ecstatic because it just turns out that one album had 12 tracks and the other 13, equalling a very lovely (and very appropriate) 25. my problem is that it took me about a week to sift through all of the albums i wanted and for me to a. find them on emusic (they're still updating of course) and b. for the entire album to be on there. nothing guts me more than seeing all but one track of an album available for purchase. what is that? that is, in essence, an anti-music loving practice. i've already resigned myself to digital because they're much easier to move around than cds but not buying a whole album is kinda... well... weird. so i don't like emusic anymore.
in expansion of my boycott of stupid people, i'm also boycotting emusic. one thing i do like about them right now is that i can cancel online instead of having to call in. that is a major selling point. now if they could just keep albums whole...


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