mixed tape masterpieces: london II

Thursday, October 05, 2006

"what is ethnomusicology?"

i've had two of my three classes so far this week. the first, ethnomusicology in practice, was encouraging. only 14 people in the class, a seemingly chill prof. and a reading list of 13 pages for the entire year (albeit at size 10 font). the second, chinese cinema and media, was interesting. only 4 people in the class, a seemingly cool prof. and a reading list of 18 pages for this term (11 weeks). let's do some math. 18 pages... 11 weeks... no, screw the math, how bout some reading? i can't say i'm not scared. but moving on...

what is ethnomusicology? after going to class i realised i was on sorta the right track. it's essentially undefinable. my first ethno class consisted of the faculty sitting around in a semi-circle facing the rest of us explaining what they thought ethnomusicology was. what it meant to them. it was enlightening. not in the sense that i understand any moreso what i'm studying but that i am definitely studying with people who are as fond of the ... as i am. note, that isn't a ___ but a ...
to explain,
"well... to me...ethnomusicology isn't as much a ... discipline... as it is... a way of ... thinking... i s'pose"

and in that muddy clarity, i am completely comfortable here.
a present for you:

what do you think? (yes, i took it)


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