mixed tape masterpieces: london II

Sunday, May 27, 2007

career destroyers

not that i have one... but i have found the worst and best possible thing in existence:

5 days left and a million books/articles to be read, i have commited myself to watching as many scrubs episodes as humanly possible (while still getting at least some reading done everyday)

ok. just one more then i'll get my learn on.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

the sweet smell of knowing a lot about east asian music

i had my exam today and it is gratifying to know that i have actually learned things this year. granted, my old roommate did guess more right on the practice session for our listening exam. that was... mildly depressing but it's over now.

today was a beautiful day and i realised i'm a little stubborn. i don't really want to get into the whys and hows of my realisation but there it is.
things have been happening (i.e. eike visiting, me cutting my hand on a glass whilst washing it, etc etc) but in the grand scheme of the last two weeks, i have been in a room reading about east asian music. i will spend the next week reading about ethnomusicology (still don't really know what that word means) so ... see you in a week.

oh yea, i'm going to ibiza. shh for now. you can email me your comments...

peas pandas

Monday, May 07, 2007

examination strategies

it's the monday after and, as promised, here i am. wednesday - friday was a very painful period. i think i got a total of 6 hours of sleep, which doesn't make for a very pleasant version of myself. wednesday i started my radio programme. i was minorly discouraged that after 5 hours, i'd gotten roughly 7 minutes of radio show. i managed to stay up most of the night and be finished by about 2pm the next day. i have to admit that it was the best assignment i'd ever gotten and i had a lot of fun with it and now i have a new dream job - editing music for film.
(anyone who knows anyone - hook me up!)
anyway, i spent the next night writing an awful paper and after realising it was just gonna be terrible, i worked more on the radio show. friday, i handed everything in and just gloated about it for the entire weekend.
my weekend was fantastic. i just didn't think about work and i went and saw people i don't usually see because it's too far to go so i'm pretty happy about it all.
now it's monday and i need a serious exam strategy. considering i haven't read for class since october, i feel like the next 3 weeks could be a little rough. but maybe i'll surprise myself.

anyway, check these guys out:

also, type 'sneezing panda' into youtube and watch what carried me through all those rough nights...
