stones AND a henge...
we embarked on a somewhat warm, sunny day to salisbury, just slightly northwest (more west than north) - a town on the avon and home to a fairly large cathedral which is very pretty. upon arrival, we were directed to the expensive bus company to which we would catch our expensive ride out to stonehenge. i was bitter about the expenses to say the least, but to be totally honest, i was happy to be out of the city. i quickly moved on from my financial woes to the general lamentations on industrialisation and the lack of really really green fields in london. so there we were, on a bus, driving by lots of very nice really really green fields when all of a sudden we could see, appearing on the horizon, a seemingly random configuration of stones. the bus dropped us off and we headed down to buy tickets when we realised it had turned into a miserably cold day. especially unfortunate seeing as eike decided to brave the day without a raincoat. nonetheless, there we were, audio guides in hand (to ears) and undoubtedly walking in the vicinity of very ancient rocks. i say vicinity because you aren't allowed to go near them. they're roped off because of some people (among them some dirty hippies) who chose to adorn the stones with symbols and words... whatever.
so there we stood in the cold, obeying the audio guide's instructions to stop or move on and me personally feeling a little miserable. we were at the second to last audio point when the sun came out. and it was awesome. it was warm. and suddenly everything looked beautiful. and i had much more patience to imagine sun-god worshippers frolicking in the (now) really really green grass. so we stayed an extra round and took pictures in the sun. what came of this? 80 pictures on my camera alone. snap! and of course general theories on the activities of 3000bce...
we went back to salisbury to walk around and spent some time there and looked at the cathedral before going back home.
the day ended quite perfectly with a viewing of 'the science of sleep', in which i re-fell in love with gael garcia bernal and vowed to succumb to all of the creative impulses i have (regardless of how impossible and stupid they may seem).
and on that note, i'm going to go glue all my furniture on one wall of my room so it looks like i have a skylight instead of an ordinary window.